
TransactionCity.com welcomes the Video Advertising, Shipping Tracking Status, and Product Posting Meta-keywords

TransactionCity.com now offers its’ sellers with the ability to advertise their Youtube™ videos throughout the homepage, category, and sub-category pages. Get more exposure to your product or service without the hassle. There is no limit to the number of category or sub-category pages you can put your YouTube™ video advertisements on.

Meta Description:
“Meta Description” are key words that allow your post to be searched by major search engines on the Internet. For example house, new homes, brick etc. TransactionCity.com allows sellers are now provided with search engine friendly product postings.

Shipping Tracking Status:
Sellers can now provide shipping tracking number status via UPS, USPS, and FedEx. This feature is located in the “Transactions” page of the user menu.  A buyer can check their shipping by clicking on the provided tracking number link.