Archive: Jan 2015


Live Video Streaming now on!!! Ustream and YouTube now offers live integrated Video Streaming to Sellers via Ustream.  Ustream gives the ability to Live Stream your product or service. Live info-commercials, concerts, events, demos, you name it! Place your pre-recorded product or service videos on Youtube and dynamically display them on your detailed product page. Live Streaming via Ustream integration is located on both your detailed product page and on your seller store. This is more than AWESOME! There is no eMarketplace on Earth like that offers its’ sellers with the ability to Live Stream; sell and solicit at the same time in such a simplistic manner via a user friendly interface.

Of course there are sites that allow you to do a live product demo and sell your product through their established distribution channels. Unfortunately, everyone does not have the ability or notoriety to get on such marketplaces for the much deserved promotion. Here at we have made it so everyone can use our Live Streaming capabilities to get more product or service exposure. gives you the power to be creative with your product and utilize some of the best of breed online tools and solutions all in one integrated global eMarketplace. Talk about a next generation Global eMarketplace!!! Today is the day for you to register and start selling on!!!


Jan offers live CHAT for buyers and sellers has done it again! Now the Ultimate Global eMarketplace provides it’s users with live CHAT functionality. This means that Buyers can communicate directly with Sellers in real time. The live CHAT feature is great for socializing, customer service, and general inquiry.  Take advantage of a global marketplace that has BOTH the Seller and Buyer in mind! The CHAT feature is available on each Seller’s store and throughout their detailed product pages which makes this capability that much more of a necessity to the ever-growing community.
